Everyone knows listening to music while exercising outside helps to make working out more enjoyable. However, ear buds can be uncomfortable and can drown out other important sounds such as traffic and other people. RunPhones, a new washable, comfortable headphones designed specifically for exercise, provide the perfect compromise of music, comfort, convenience, and safety.
RunPhones are manufactured by AcousticSheep, LLC, the creators of SleepPhones. Like SleepPhones, they have an innovative design that features small, removable speakers inside a soft headband that rests on the user’s ears. This makes the RunPhones washable, secure, and comfortable. They are compatible with the iPhone, iPod, and most other portable music devices.
RunPhones are the best new thing in exercise!
Polartec® Technology
Innovative Design
Removable speakers
Thin to hear traffic
Doubles as a headband
Headquarters powered by wind
Fabric is 88%-100% recycled plastic
RoHS compliant
Easy care machine wash & dry
Sewn in the USA
Satisfaction Guarantee
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